Thirty percent of Wisconsin’s land is used for agriculture — more than 14 million acres. Decades of intensive conventional farming has taken a toll on our water and soil. But there are solutions, and farmers can lead the way.
The Need for Change
Over-application of fertilizer is harming groundwater, streams, rivers and lakes. Tens of thousands of private wells in Wisconsin are polluted with unsafe levels of nitrates, 90% from agricultural sources.
Mono-cropping (the practice of growing a single crop year after year on the same land) has led to tired, eroding soils. Only 8% of agricultural fields in Wisconsin use cover crops.
Agriculture is responsible for 15% of Wisconsin’s total greenhouse gas emissions, and that contribution is growing.
Protecting Our Water, Land & Climate
Wisconsin farmers, researchers, advocates and policy-makers are working together to protect our waterways, rebuild our soils, and fight the challenges posed by our changing climate.

Climate-Smart Agriculture
Sustainable Farming Practices
Sustainable Crops
Water, soil, and climate-smart food
Pilot Study: Natural Climate Solutions
Roadmap to Net ZeroNews & Research
Wednesday, October 30th at UW Madison.