Wisconsin Neonic Forum

About the Event

Join us and partners for the first-ever
Wisconsin Neonic Forum coming this fall!
Neonicotinoids, or neonics, are the most widely used insecticides in Wisconsin, applied to millions of acres of agricultural and urban land each year. What benefits do
they provide and what risks do they pose? Attend this statewide forum to learn more about where these chemicals are used, how Wisconsin is regulating them, and more.

Save the Date!

Wednesday, October 30th

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

DeLuca Forum at UW-Madison’s

Discovery Center

330 N Orchard St., Madison WI

Registration closes October 20!

Programing Lineup

Opening and Forum Overview (8:30 – 9:00 am)

Welcome — Andy Morton / Michael Williamson – Trout Unlimited

An overview of neonicotinoids and the risks they pose to the environment — Mike Miller, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Use, efficacy, and detections of neonicotinoids in WI waters (9:00 – 10:15 a.m.)

Moderated by Michael Williamson, Trout Unlimited

Uses of neonicotinoids on the landscape — Dr. Russ Groves, Department of Entomology, UW-Madison

Efficacy of neonicotinoids in agricultural pest control — Dr. Shawn Conley, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UW-Madison

Where are neonicotinoids found in WI? Results of DATCP’s Surface Water and Groundwater monitoring — Dr. Carla Romano, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection; Moderated by Michael Williamson, Trout Unlimited

Impacts of neonicotinoids on biota (10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)

Moderated by Jeffrey Mears, Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council

Occurrence and potential biological effects of pesticides in tributaries of the Great Lakes — Dr. Samatha Oliver, Upper Midwest Water Science Center, United States Geological Survey

Impacts of neonicotinoids on aquatic insects – lab and field studies — Dr. Travis Schmidt, Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center, United States Geological Survey

Investigation of significant Hexagenia mayfly population declines in the upper Mississippi River — Shawn Giblin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Lunch (12:00 – 1:00 p.m.)

Impacts of neonicotinoids on biota (1:00 – 2:15 p.m.)

Moderated by Sara Walling, Clean Wisconsin

Impacts of neonicotinoids on pollinators — Dr. James Crall, Department of Entomology, UW-Madison

Impacts of neonicotinoids on fish — Dr. Gavin Dehnert, Wisconsin Sea Grant, UW-Madison

Impacts of neonicotinoids on birds and human health — Daniel Raichel, Natural Resources Defense Council

Current regulation of neonicotinoids in Wisconsin and in the US (2:45 – 4:15 p.m.)

Moderated by: Ellen Voss, River Alliance of Wisconsin

EPA regulation of neonicotinoids — EPA Staff (invited)

Potential pathways for neonicotinoid regulation in Wisconsin — Sara Walling, Clean Wisconsin

The path to neonicotinoid regulation in New York State — Daniel Raichel, Natural Resources Defense Council

Closing & Final Remarks (4:15 – 4:30 p.m.)

Additional Information

A special thank you to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Surface Water Grant Program for making this event possible. Click here for more information!



Clean Wisconsin Water and Agriculture Program Director Sara Walling – swalling@cleanwisconsin.org


Trout Unlimited State Council Member Michael Williamson – mlwilliamson7@gmail.com