Podcasts & Videos

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The Defender Podcast

The Defender: Wisconsin’s environmental podcast! We’re sharing the stories of Wisconsinites who are working to build a cleaner, more sustainable and healthy future.



| Episode 30

Wisconsin’s Salty Waters

| Episode

Opening the Door to Joy

| Episode

How to eat for the environment

| Episode

What Trump 2.0 means for our environment

| Episode

Neurotoxins on Our Plates

| Episode

A Case for Optimism

| Episode

All the Money in the World

| Episode

Science Moms

| Episode

3 Cheers for Climate Beer!

| Episode

No Mow May: Does it work?

| Episode

Truth About Natural Gas

| Episode 33

A Toast to 1939

| Episode 32

Fallout of ‘Forever Chemicals’

| Episode 31

Uncovering Air Pollution

| Episode

Wisconsin’s Vanishing Bee

| Episode

The Disinformation Game

| Episode

Clean Energy Backlash

| Episode 21

Power to the People

| Episode 19

Communicating climate change

| Episode 18

The importance of wetlands

| Episode 17

Extreme heat in urban Milwaukee

| Episode 12

Electrifying transportation in Wisconsin

| Episode 11

Beer, wool socks and energy efficiency

| Episode 10

The toxic reality of PAH

| Episode 9

What’s in the state budget?

| Episode 7

The vicious cycle of nitrate contamination

| Episode 6

Looking back, looking forward

| Episode 5

A very modest rule, delayed

| Episode 4

When the waters came

| Episode 3

State of Change podcast

| Episode 2

Episode 2: Not a drop to drink

| Episode 1


| Episode 0

Trailer: This is State of Change

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Clean Wisconsin videos

It’s Our Time

All across Wisconsin, people are walking the path towards a cleaner, safer, and healthier world. There is no better time. There is no better opportunity. This is our moment to come together to ensure the state we love is protected–for our children, for our neighbors, for ourselves.

How do you transform land overgrown with invasive shrubs and weeds into a shade-dappled pasture perfect for managed grazing? Find out how Butler Grassfed Beef in Spring Green, Wis., created a silvopasture for its cows in a move that benefits farmers, water quality, our climate and our animals.

Click here to learn more!

Baking for the Climate!

We can fight climate change in Wisconsin by rethinking what we grow and eat. Clean Wisconsin partnered with Madison’s Bloom Bake Shop to create some delicious treats made with two new Wisconsin crops that could be game changers for our environment: Kernza® perennial grain and American hazelnuts.

Click here to learn more!

Join Ojibwe attorney Philomena Kebec as she harvests wild rice in the Kakagon Sloughs, the largest undeveloped wetland system on the Great Lakes. This sacred region — its waters, wildlife and traditions — is under threat because of the Line 5 pipeline. The pipeline carries nearly 23 million gallons of crude oil and liquid natural gas originating in the tar sands of Alberta across countless wetlands and waterways to refineries in Ontario.


Click here to learn more

In the wake of Milwaukee’s catastrophic 2010 flood, Clean Wisconsin and other community partners have engaged thousands of residents to install green infrastructure like rain barrels and rain gardens, capturing more than 2 million gallons of storm water per year.

This summer, we hit a major milestone—we installed our 700th rain barrel!

For more than 50 years, Clean Wisconsin has been working to preserve and protect Wisconsin’s clean water, clean air and natural heritage. Everyone deserves to live in a healthy community. Together, we can protect the places we love.

Wisconsin’s First Solar Neighborhood

A look inside the first and so-far *only* net-zero electricity solar neighborhood in the state of Wisconsin! All of these New Berlin, Wis. homes are certified through Focus on Energy’s New Home Certification Program. But there is so much more work to be done. We need more state & federal investment to make solar more accessible and affordable for everyone. Now is the time to fight the climate crisis and build a clean energy future.

Vicious Cycle: The Struggle for Clean Water

More than two-thirds of Wisconsinites use groundwater as their drinking water source, but what happens if that water is contaminated? Over 80,000 private wells across the state are contaminated with high levels of nitrates, limiting resident’s access to clean drinking water and putting their health at risk. Homeowners, like Steven Shoemaker and Elisabeth Minich, are then on the hook for thousands of dollars to try and clean the water, but they say it should not be their responsibility.

“Saving the World” at Bare Bones Brew

What can going solar do for a small business? Bare Bones Brewery in Oshkosh found out after they installed solar panels four years ago.


We’ve got a responsibility to leave our water, air, and natural resources in a better place for our kids than we found it.

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