Undoubtedly, you have been inundated with news and messages about the novel coronavirus that has shaken up all aspects of life. This is certainly a unique and frightening situation.
As we learn more and come to realize that this pandemic will continue to create disruptions, perhaps for longer than originally estimated, we wanted to connect with you, our supporters, and give you a sense of how we’re adjusting to meet the needs of this situation at Clean Wisconsin.
We believe it’s important to heed the advice of public officials about the severity of the coronavirus. Following social distancing recommendations, washing your hands, covering your cough, and staying home if you’re sick are important ways to help slow the rate of infection and protect you, your family, friends and neighbors from illness. We’re all in this together.
Like almost everywhere else, our offices, both in Madison and Milwaukee, are closed, and all members of our staff are continuing their work from home, following the directives of Gov. Tony Evers and the Department of Health Services. Health and safety come first, and making sure our staff and their families are taken care of is our top priority.
Our staff members are committed to continuing the important work of protecting our water, air, and natural resources, and they will continue to do good work to this end from their homes. We are rescheduling events, changing in-person meetings into Zoom meetings and conference calls, and staying in close contact with our partners and staff to ensure important work continues.
While the coronavirus is understandably top of mind for many people, there are many environmental issues that still require our attention. From PFAS and nitrate pollution to climate change, the new realities of COVID-19 do not diminish the challenges presented by these environmental issues. Rest assured, we’re focused and committed to furthering this work, and will do our very best to make sure everyone in Wisconsin has clean drinking water, our state is tackling climate change, and our communities are sustainable.
As things move forward, please know that despite this crisis, we’re still here, working to protect your environment.
Be safe and be well.