
An inside look at some of Wisconsin’s most pressing environmental topics

The Future of Fossil Fuels in Wisconsin

The Biden EPA recently rolled out its strongest-ever proposal to slash planet-warming emissions from power plants.
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Great Lakes Compact Introduced in Congress

Momentum builds for implementation of historic agreement MADISON — The Great Lakes Compact moved closer to implementation today when a joint resolution to ratify the agreement was introduced in Congress.
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Advertising Campaign Opposing Proposed Coal Plant Launches

Fight over power plant intensifies MADISON —The fight over Alliant Energy’s proposed coal plant in Cassville intensified today when Clean Wisconsin, the state’s largest environmental organization, launched an advertising campaign highlighting the economic and environmental concerns with the plant in response to a series of Alliant advertisements pushing the proposal. “The coal plant Alliant wants
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EPA, Fish and Wildlife Service Express Concern over Alliant’s Proposed Coal Plant

Proposal may threaten migratory bird corridor and disturb recently discovered prehistoric site MADISON — Alliant Energy’s proposed Cassville coal plant may harm a sensitive national migratory bird corridor, disturb a recently discovered prehistoric site, and emit high levels of pollution according to comments posted to the Public Service Commission (PSC) Web site last week by
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