
An inside look at some of Wisconsin’s most pressing environmental topics

The Future of Fossil Fuels in Wisconsin

The Biden EPA recently rolled out its strongest-ever proposal to slash planet-warming emissions from power plants.
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Wisconsin, Great Lakes Have Much to Gain

If Congress funds President Obama’s $475 million Great Lakes initiative MADISON — The people, businesses and communities of Wisconsin have much to gain if Congress funds a new $475 million Obama Administration initiative to restore the Great Lakes, conservation leaders said today.
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Wisconsinites Demonstrate Support for Wind Energy in Capitol

Environmentalists, business owners, farmers and labor support wind siting reform at joint hearing MADISON — Representatives from environmental, business, farm, and labor organizations convened today in a joint legislative hearing held at the Capitol to encourage legislators to create jobs and improve outdoor air quality by passing sensible standards for permitting safe wind farms in
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Midwest Stakeholders Finalize Recommendations for Regional Cap & Trade

Broad spectrum of stakeholders outlines strong recommendations MINNEAPOLIS — Environmental groups, utilities, petroleum and manufacturing corporations working to advise the Midwestern Governors Association met today in Minneapolis and agreed on draft final recommendations for a Midwest cap and trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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