By Clean Wisconsin

Diverse Support for the Clean Energy Jobs Act

Bill preserves Wisconsin’s environment while strengthening the economy MADISON — Diverse supporters are applauding today’s rollout of the Clean Energy Jobs Act, legislation that will save state residents and businesses money on their utility bills and create new, family-supporting jobs in Wisconsin, for Wisconsin.
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By Clean Wisconsin

Wisconsin Poised to Lead the Way

Clean Energy Jobs Act will create jobs, save money MADISON — As Copenhagen comes to a close and Congress heads into winter recess, it is more apparent than ever that if Wisconsin wants to preserve its economic future, we must take matters into its own hands. Last week, draft legislation, called the Clean Energy Jobs
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By Clean Wisconsin

Clean Wisconsin Statement on Draft Bill to Implement Global Warming Task Force Recommendations

MADISON — Keith Reopelle, Senior Policy Director at Clean Wisconsin, the state’s largest environmental advocacy organization, released the following statement today regarding this afternoon’s release of a draft bill (LRB 3883/1) designed to implement the recommendations of the Global Warming Task Force: “In 2007, Governor Doyle convened a group of diverse stakeholders including business leaders,
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By Clean Wisconsin

Clean Wisconsin Statement on Draft Bill to Implement Global Warming Task Force Recommendations

MADISON — Keith Reopelle, Senior Policy Director at Clean Wisconsin, the state’s largest environmental advocacy organization, released the following statement today regarding this afternoon’s release of a draft bill (LRB 3883/1) designed to implement the recommendations of the Global Warming Task Force: “In 2007, Governor Doyle convened a group of diverse stakeholders including business leaders,
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By Clean Wisconsin

Wisconsin Legislature Passes Bill Substantially Reducing Phosphorus in Automatic Dish Soap

Bill will help reduce unsightly algae growth and fish kills in state waters MADISON — The Wisconsin State Legislature took an important step to clean Wisconsin’s lakes, rivers and streams today when the Senate unanimously voted to pass Assembly Bill 281, a bill that substantially limits phosphorus content in common household automatic dishwasher soap. “Phosphorus
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