“These alarming results should be a wakeup call for our leaders at all levels of government to get to the bottom of this problem and ultimately address it.
MADISON, WI —Today, Clean Wisconsin applauded the announcement of a new private well water quality study for Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette counties, stating that the study is a significant and long-needed step toward addressing potential drinking water contamination in the region.
Clean Wisconsin sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the federal Circuit Court in Washington, D.C. to challenge a Trump Administration decision that fails to reduce unhealthy ozone smog in Wisconsin and other parts of the country.
Clean Wisconsin filed a lawsuit Monday in Dane County Circuit Court contending that the Secretary of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) overstepped his authority when granting a request that DNR review a judge’s ruling that invalidated a permit issued by the agency.
“Meteor Timber’s request that the Secretary, a political appointee, overrule the decision of an impartial administrative law judge is inappropriate and asks the Secretary to act beyond his legal authority.
Clean Wisconsin, along with the Ho-Chunk Nation through their representative Midwest Environmental Advocates, made the following statement after the Administrative Law Judge ruled to invalidate a permit issued by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to frac sand company Meteor Timber to fill 16.
On Wednesday, March 7, the Department of Natural Resources is having a hearing on the City of Racine's application to divert water from Lake Michigan for use for the Foxconn project.
These protections are a great beginning to addressing the drinking water crisis in Kewaunee County and Northeast Wisconsin, and we applaud the work of the DNR, stakeholders, and local citizens to take on this problem.
The manure spreading rule announced by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) moves the state in the right direction to begin addressing the drinking water contamination crisis in Northeast Wisconsin, especially in Kewaunee County, where over one-third of tested private wells were found to contain bacteria and/or nitrate pollution.