Clean Wisconsin applauds the Wisconsin State Senate after unanimously passing Senate Bill (SB) 91, which sets up a nutrient pollution trading clearinghouse.
Clean Wisconsin applauds Madison Gas and Electric for their announcement today of plans to reach net-zero carbon electricity by 2050. MGE is now the second utility in Wisconsin to take this critical step. “Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time.
Clean Wisconsin issued the following statement after filing a response in opposition to the Legislature’s motion to intervene in two cases concerning permits issued by the Department of Natural Resources.
The provisions announced today by Governor Evers underscore that framework and highlight a vision for how we live up to his commitment to make 2019 the Year of Clean Drinking Water.
"Governor Evers’ declaration that 2019 is the year of clean drinking water signals a renewed commitment by the state to protect and prioritize clean drinking water for all Wisconsinites.
“The Wisconsin Supreme Court now has the future of our water management in their hands Both of these cases require the court to decide whether water will be protected for public benefit, or instead overused or polluted for the private gain for a handful of corporate farms."