"I would like for my kids to look back on the 2020s as the time that we turned the corner on climate change, just like we look back on the 1970s for air quality in the 1980s, for the ozone hole.
“Holding the public hearing now, before the Army Corps has all the information it needs to fully assess the risks to our wetlands and waterways, is premature and unfairly deprives the public of a meaningful opportunity to participate in the process,” said Brett Korte, staff attorney with Clean Wisconsin.
“This bill puts the burden of PFAS cleanup on Wisconsin taxpayers instead of polluters. It isn’t fair, and it doesn’t reflect the values of our state,” says Clean Wisconsin Water and Agriculture Program Director Sara Walling.
Located just 4 miles from downtown Middleton, Holy Wisdom Monastery sits on 130 acres of restored prairie surrounded by an oak forest with a small glacial lake.
Earlier this year, Clean Wisconsin’s Science Program Director, Paul Mathewson, went a step further than the average scientist. He dove deep into cross-referencing the carbon calculations reported within the agriculture sector module of the EPA’s State Inventory Tool.