With the entire state being ordered to stay at home due to COVID-19, there are undoubtedly benefits to the environment. Still, there are further ways for everyone to reduce waste, save money, and help the planet.
The environmental impacts, from a warming climate to local water concerns, would be felt by all Wisconsin residents. That’s why we feel it is important to take this legal stand.
Clean Wisconsin and the Sierra Club filed a lawsuit in Dane County Circuit Court on Friday asking for review of the Public Service Commission’s decision to approve construction of a large gas power plant proposed for a site in Superior, Wisconsin.
Our research puts a number on the nitrate pollution crisis being felt around the state. Not only is this a serious threat to human health, but it has a major impact on our state’s economy.
If the next ten years are a winding road of uncertainty and urgency around climate change, what other states have—and what Wisconsin needs—is a climate roadmap.
After hearing from hundreds of Wisconsinites about water quality issues across many months, the Water Quality Task Force released a number of bills. Here's our take on this legislation.