In October, Clean Wisconsin led a small group of individuals for a small lobby day in Washington, D.C., to share stories about the importance of the Great Lakes with elected officials.
In the months ahead, we’ll be working with lawmakers and state agencies to make sure these rules protect drinking water and public health and offer every resident in Wisconsin with a well polluted by nitrates hope clean drinking water in the future.
If you think your well may be contaminated, here are some steps you should take to protect you and your family from the health risks associated with polluted drinking water.
Legislators have heard from citizens, researchers, county officials, and many other stakeholders about the diversity of water issues Wisconsin citizens face but haven’t given a lot of indication about what actions they are prepared to take to address these challenges.
During the Year of Clean Drinking Water, lawmakers and state agencies under the leadership of Gov. Evers have started to take early but important steps to curb PFAS pollution and protect public health in Wisconsin.
Gov. Tony Evers signed the 2019-2020 budget into law, wrapping up the months-long process that began with the governor’s budget proposals back in February.