Power to the People

 What does the We Energies rate case tell us about how Wisconsin energy companies make money? Spoiler Alert: It’s not by promoting energy efficiency. We Energies customers across Wisconsin are bracing for higher bills. The company is asking the Public Service Commission to approve a large rate hike, insisting its investment in new solar

Your voice made a difference!

EPA is challenging the environmental review of Nemadji Trail Energy Center. Last year, we asked you speak out to stop a federally subsidized loan sought by Dairyland Power Cooperative to help fund the Nemadji Trail Energy Center. And you responded. Hundreds of Clean Wisconsin Action Network members from across the state reached out to President Biden and

Prehn’s Continued Abuse of Power Puts Wisconsin Families at Risk

Prehn cast the deciding vote to block groundwater standards for harmful PFAS chemicals and voted to weaken new PFAS drinking water standards. Today the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that Natural Resources Board member Fred Prehn could stay in his seat indefinitely. Prehn’s term ended more than a year ago, but he has refused to

Gov. Evers’ Clean Energy Plan Invests in Wisconsin’s Workforce, Homegrown Energy, and a Healthy Future

Statement from Clean Wisconsin Climate, Energy and Air Program Director Chelsea Chandler “An investment in clean energy is an investment in vibrant Wisconsin communities. Wisconsin imports every bit of coal, gasoline and heating gas we use, pouring more than $14 billion dollars out of our state every year and putting us at the mercy of

Koshkonong Solar Farm Approval an Important Step in Wisconsin’s Transition to Clean Energy

Today the Public Service Commission (PSC) voted to approve construction of the Koshkonong Solar Energy Center, a 300 megawatt (MW) utility-scale solar farm proposed for Dane County. The project includes 165 MW of battery storage and would generate enough clean, reliable electricity to power more than 60,000 homes. Clean Wisconsin submitted expert testimony in support

DNR requires Kinnard Farms to test groundwater for manure pollution

New requirement comes after last year’s Clean Wisconsin v. DNR state Supreme Court ruling  For the first time, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is using its permitting authority to require a large-scale dairy operation to monitor groundwater pollution around farm fields where it spreads manure. As part of its DNR-issued Concentrated Animal Feeding

Communicating climate change

Despite all the science proving the climate crisis is real, many people are reluctant to take action, or even care. In this episode, we break down why that is and how the words we use to talk about climate change—and who those words are coming from—can influence the way people react. We first sit down