Doyle Highlights Recent Environmental Victories in State of the State Address

Signals intention to continue environmental progress despite budget cuts MADISON — From protecting Wisconsin waters to running our cars on cheese, Governor Doyle highlighted recent environmental victories and signaled his intentions to move forward with environmental progress despite budget cuts in his annual State of the State Address yesterday evening. In his address, Governor Doyle

Coal Plant Proposal Rejected for First Time in Wisconsin History

Historic decision will save ratepayers money and reduce pollution MADISON — Wisconsin regulators rejected a proposal to build a conventional coal plant for the first time in state history today when the Public Service Commission voted unanimously to reject Alliant Energy’s highly controversial $1.26 billion coal plant on the shores of the Mississippi River in Cassville,

Wisconsinites Overwhelmingly Oppose Alliant’s Coal Plant Proposal

MADISON — Wisconsinites overwhelmingly oppose Alliant Energy’s proposal to build a coal-fired power plant on the shores of the Mississippi River in Cassville, Wisconsin according to documents filed before the Public Service Commission yesterday afternoon. “Members of the public providing written comments oppose this project on a margin of ten to one,” read a Clean Wisconsin

Wisconsin’s Mercury Rule to Become Law

MADISON — Utilities will be required to reduce mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants by 90 percent by 2015 or by the same amount by 2021 if they agree to more stringent standards for other pollutants, after the State Legislature’s Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules failed to object to the measure today.

Feasibility of Alliant Energy’s Biomass Plans Questioned

Utility admits to “uncertainties with the biomass market” MADISON —  After publicly stating its Marshalltown, Iowa coal plant could burn 10 percent biomass, staff for Alliant Energy now question the feasibility of burning the renewable fuel in the recently approved plant according to testimony submitted in front of the Iowa Utilities Board earlier this month.

Great Lakes Compact Sails Through Congress

Focus now shifts to restoring the Midwest’s most valuable natural resource WASHINGTON, D.C. — Less than five months after Wisconsin passed the Great Lakes Compact, the U.S. Congress today officially ratified the measure, a historic agreement between eight states and two Canadian provinces to not divert water outside of the Great Lakes region. “Wisconsin and

Proposal Alternative Would Produce Cleaner Energy at Lower Cost

Making existing power plant more efficient would save ratepayers nearly $1 billion MADISON —  Alliant Energy could save its customers nearly a billion dollars and significantly reduce global warming pollution by converting a company-owned natural gas power plant in Neenah to a more efficient design instead of constructing another coal-fired power plant in Cassville, according to

PSC Staff Slam Alliant’s Proposed Cassville Coal Plant

Proposed plant too expensive, use of renewable fuels uncertain MADISON —  Alliant Energy’s proposed Cassville coal plant would increase electricity bills and might never burn 20 percent biomass according to Public Service Commission (PSC) staff testimony released on Friday. “I believe that a new coal-fired generation unit, given today’s construction costs and current and likely fuel