Clean Wisconsin statement on Clean Power Plan repeal
Clean Wisconsin released the following statement on Tuesday following the EPA’s announced repeal of the Clean Power Plan.
Clean Wisconsin released the following statement on Tuesday following the EPA’s announced repeal of the Clean Power Plan.
Clean Wisconsin today filed a Motion to Intervene in a Dairy Business Association (DBA) lawsuit which attacks safeguards that protect surface water and groundwater from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) pollution.
Changes to the manure runoff management rules under NR 151 are a positive step, in the wake of Tuesday’s announcement of the public comment period by the Department of Natural Resources, but stronger rules are needed to fulfill the state’s promise of clean water for the people of Kewaunee County, where groundwater contamination stemming predominantly from agriculture has polluted drinking water.
Lawsuit with partners aims to end illegal rule stay issued by Secretary Scott Pruitt Clean Wisconsin on Friday filed a challenge to EPA Secretary Scott Pruitt’s decision to suspend emission standards of methane from landfills because the delay was issued in a manner previously deemed illegal by federal court. Clean Wisconsin’s challenge comes just days
A recent study on energy efficiency potential released by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin finds that Wisconsin’s energy efficiency program, Focus on Energy, holds significant economic opportunity for the state that has remained largely untapped.
Clean Wisconsin on Monday filed a challenge to a wetland fill permit in northern Monroe County because it would allow an out-of-state logging and frac sand company to permanently destroy more than 16 acres of a rare and valuable wetland forest.
Clean Wisconsin, the state’s oldest and largest environmental organization, welcomed the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource’s recently announced plan to provide emergency drinking water to rural residents whose wells have been contaminated by livestock manure.
Bill gives away public groundwater for private benefit Madison, Wis. – On a 62-35 vote, lawmakers on Tuesday passed legislation that ensures unsustainable pumping rates by existing high-capacity wells will continue unchecked and jeopardize water supplies and lock-in conflicts between major water users and property owners. Feeling growing public opposition to Senate Bill 76, Assembly Republicans rushed to
For industrial users, it’s open season on Wisconsin’s groundwater Madison, Wis. – As lawmakers in the state capitol prepare to vote on a bill that would lock-in the unsustainable pumping rates of existing high-capacity wells, an in-depth analysis of dozens of recently modified well permits shows a massive water grab is underway in Wisconsin. A
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday undermining years of bipartisan progress aimed at protecting future generations from the most devastating impacts of climate change.