Wisconsin ranks third worst in country for air pollution exposure disparities
Clean Wisconsin’s analysis shows Wisconsin has the 3rd largest racial disparity in the nation for exposure to particulate matter air pollution.
Clean Wisconsin’s analysis shows Wisconsin has the 3rd largest racial disparity in the nation for exposure to particulate matter air pollution.
Today a Dane County Circuit Court judge upheld the Public Service Commission’s 2019 decision to greenlight construction the Nemadji Trail Energy Center, a 625-megawatt methane gas plant planned along the Nemadji River near Superior. The $700 million power plant— a project from Dairyland Power Cooperative, Minnesota Power and Basin Electric Power—will come with an enormous
One of Wisconsin’s largest dairy operations is pushing back against permit requirements meant to protect drinking water from cow manure pollution. On Earth Day, Kinnard Farms filed suit against the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) arguing it should not be required to test the water quality near farm fields where it spreads large amounts of
Case could block Clean Air Act protections and drastically weaken the EPA’s ability to act on climate This week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in West Virginia v. EPA, a lawsuit brought by coal industry interests aimed at stripping the EPA of its ability to fight the climate crisis. The outcome could severely
Today the Natural Resources Board voted on PFAS standards recommended by the Department of Natural Resources for drinking water, groundwater and surface water. The board voted down groundwater standards entirely, approved recommended…
Elected leaders from communities across Wisconsin are calling on the Natural Resources Board (NRB) to approve state standards for harmful PFAS chemicals. The NRB will decide on Wednesday whether to approve the state’s first ever water quality standards for PFAS…
In a brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, environmental, public health and clean energy industry groups urge the Court to reject the coal industry’s radical attempt to strip the Environmental Protection Agency of its ability to confront the climate crisis.
Deerfield resident Andrew Little steps outside on a sunny fall afternoon to take in the view from his backyard—a vast cornfield that sits just behind his property. Weeks after the harvest, the field is mostly an expanse of dark brown mud. But despite the lackluster view, Andrew can’t stop smiling…
How can advocates continue to advance change in the face of a divided, politicized state government? It’s a key question for environmental policy advocates in Wisconsin as we take on the urgent climate crisis. But you need only look to the Milwaukee area to see that change is not only possible, it’s happening…
Today the Court of Appeals handed a major victory to Clean Wisconsin and its partners, ensuring a rare, critical Wisconsin wetland will remain protected…