Speak up against subsidy for fossil fuel power plant!

There is no way to get to zero carbon if we keep building things that emit carbon.

Dairyland Power Cooperative, Minnesota Power and Basin Electric are proposing to build a 625-megawatt methane gas power plant in Superior, Wis., along the Nemadji River. If approved, the $700 million Nemadji Trail Energy Center will come with an enormous environmental cost, including nearly 3 million tons of additional carbon pollution every year.


Call on federal officials to deny subsidies for this climate-polluting gas plant. 

Last Line of Defense: Battle over Wisconsin Gas Plant intensifies

Wisconsin’s Public Service Commission approved a large methane gas plant four years ago. The site: a bluff overlooking the Nemadji River near the Minnesota border in Superior. At ​the ​time, ​Superior’s ​city ​council ​unanimously ​supported ​the ​project. ​But ​it ​didn’t ​take ​long ​for ​opinions ​to ​change.

In this episode, Amy talks with ​Superior City ​Councilor ​Jenny ​Van ​Sickle who ​at ​first ​supported ​the ​plant ​and ​is ​now ​helping ​lead ​the ​charge ​to ​stop ​it. ​Find ​out ​what ​has ​changed — and what YOU can do to help fight the plant.