Climate-Smart Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture practices have a leading role in fighting climate change

Climate-smart agriculture is an approach to farming that uses sustainable practices like conservation agriculture, regenerative agriculture, agroecology, and agroforestry. These methods restore soil health, pull greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere, and produce high-quality agricultural products that feed our communities and strengthen our economy.

Wisconsin Agriculture: At a Glance

Agriculture is a defining feature of our culture, economics, and landscapes

  • 30% of Wisconsin’s land is used for agriculture
  • Wisconsin has 64,000 farms covering 14.3 million acres
  • Agriculture contributes $104.8 billion annually to the state economy
  • Wisconsin’s largest source of agricultural revenue comes from dairy products

Impacts of Climate Change on Wisconsin Farms

  • Wisconsin is on track to experience warmer winters, wetter springs, and increased extreme rainfall events by 2030
  • Waterlogged soils delay planting & harvest
  • Increased nutrient runoff and soil erosion harms water quality
  • Extreme heat decreases milk production, increases water usage
  • Plant Hardiness Zones are already changing, shifting what we can grow and where we are able to grow it
Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) projects changes in the frequency of hot days and heavy rain events, under a medium emissions scenario. The darker the color, the more intense the impact. If emissions exceed “medium” scenario, the projected impacts will be more severe than what is depicted here.
A plant wilting with frost on its leaves, surrounded by snow

New Plant Hardiness Zone Maps mean big news for farmers and gardeners

New Plant Hardiness Zone Maps have caused a stir among Wisconsin farmers and gardeners. They confirm something many avid gardeners have already observed: our climate is changing. Why does this matter? Besides the millions of avid gardeners and farmers who rely on these maps for planting plans and financial decisions, many others, including the USDA and researchers, use this hardiness zone information too.
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Benefits of Climate-Smart Agriculture

  • Holds carbon in the soil, reducing greenhouse gas emissions

  • Minimizes soil erosion and nutrient runoff

  • Improves soil health and fertility

  • Improves the quality of surrounding bodies of water

  • Helps buffer farms from severe weather events

  • Revitalizes rural economies and rural prosperity

Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices

Wisconsin’s farmers can make a significant difference when it comes to climate change while ensuring their farms are more protected from extreme weather events. Practices that build long-term soil health, like continuous soil cover, perennializing agricultural fields, rotational grazing, agroforestry systems, and improved fertilizer and manure management have the greatest impact on reducing GHG emissions in Wisconsin. In turn, these practices create more resilient, productive farms that will leave a healthier environmental legacy for future generations.

Rows of sudangrass, radish, and other cover crops starting to grow in a wheat stubble

Planting perennial crops

Reducing fertilizer use & improving manure management

Normandy Cow, Cattle under Appel Tree, Normandy

Integrating trees & forage plants into livestock pastures

Clean Wisconsin’s Vision for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Wisconsin:  

  • Rapidly increase the use of regenerative practices that improve soil health, reduce water pollution, and keep GHG’s in the ground like reduced tillage, continuous living cover crops, and fertilizer efficiency
  • Transition to integrated livestock systems that reduce liquid manure, get animals out on pasture, and reduce methane emissions through nutritional management
  • Conserve marginal and vulnerable farmland and install grass buffers, wetlands, and prairie strips that help protect the landscape and keep nutrients out of our water
  • Grow new climate-resilient perennial crops, like hazelnuts and Kernza, that require reduced fertilizer inputs and soil disturbance and have few environmental impacts while offering farmers economic security and opportunity  



Windmills on a farm

Be Part of the Solution 

  • Buy local!  Support your local farmers who are farming using regenerative, agroecological practices!  
  • Think global!  Increase demand in market for climate-smart perennial crops crops like kernza, hazelnuts and aronia! 

Clean Wisconsin’s Science-Based Policy Recommendations

Wisconsin needs bold, science-based policy and cohesive collaboration across all sectors to support the transformation of our current, unsustainable agricultural systems into climate-smart food systems, if we are to leave a healthier legacy for our children and future generations. The time for bold action is NOW! 

  • Farmers need technical assistance to understand and install conservation and regenerative practices, and financial resources to make these investments
  • Farmers and land managers that improve water quality, safeguard our climate, and protect our natural resources should be compensated for protecting our environment
  • We must protect valuable natural resources like wetlands, prairies, and forests that are critical to cleaning up our water resources and confronting climate change
natural climate solutions

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